I dedicate my ADHD coaching practice to individuals who, like me, grew up without an ADHD diagnosis.
As kids, they might have experienced embarrassment when teachers singled them out for twirling their hair and fidgeting. These children felt self-conscious about their disorganized desks and messy handwriting. As they grew into teenagers, some found solace in self-medication, relief from their unnoticed ADHD symptoms. They were often branded as troublemakers, unmotivated, or lazy. They faced punishment and restrictions from the few activities that genuinely engaged and intrigued them.
With the recurring mantras of "try harder" and "sit down and focus," that phrases became their impossible mission. They may have left childhood feeling misunderstood, frustrated, and ashamed.
I forgive the teachers who didn't know better and whose teaching methods left us feeling ashamed and not just different but wrong. I will advocate for more ADHD awareness and training for everyone. I will discuss the importance of trauma-informed training with my fellow ADHD coaches.
I pledge to honor and cherish the undiagnosed individuals who, through self-medication, reckless driving, or participation in dangerous and illegal activities, found themselves entangled in the criminal justice system or worse, lived life fast, too fast, and left us much too soon, like my most beloved brother, Jeremy Aguirre.
If you're reading this and recognize that I'm describing your journey, welcome; I'm thrilled you're here. If you want to learn more about ADHD coaching, please reach out.
I dedicate my coaching practice to the perceived troublemakers and "lazy kids. They weren't lazy. We had undiagnosed ADHD, and it impacted us deeply.